I’m probably one of the biggest planners you’ll ever meet. But no matter how much I plan, things never go as planned. Lol
As of right now I don’t have the best of the best equipment. In fact, I have the bare minimum for professional photographers. But I know and understand light. If you are a client of mine you know it’s normal to have a light hanging from the ceiling by tape. Fortunately, I didn’t have to fight with gravity too much. Seriously, it’s very important to properly allocate your funds in the beginning stages of business. So you don’t have to go through this lol
My favorite music artist Jay-Z said “A lost ain’t a loss, it’s a lesson. Appreciate the pain, it’s a blessing”. This touched home-base as soon as I heard it. Flow with me mentally real quick. Everything starts with your mind. *thoughts* When you come across your loss, look for the lesson and use it to your advantage.
Today’s loss -> Not having proper equipment on hand (which really isn't a loss seeing I achieved the lighting I wanted) / Limited Space
Today’s lesson -> Use the equipment you have and when it's time to upgrade be smart and invest correctly / Get out the habit of the “if it aint broke don’t fix it” mentality.
This small situation made me realize the bigger picture and made me apply it in every field in my life.
Guess what guys? IT WORKS! I’m better creatively (see pic below) and I found myself being less stressed about life. I also noticed I think much sharper. If you made it to the end of this blog thank you so much for your support in my business journey. I also want to challenge you to apply this to your personal life. Your goal is to look at every negative situation and turn it into a positive. Be Blessed