What's in my camera bag?

The number one thing I get asked about the most at weddings, when I’m out shooting or in general. WHAT IS IN YOUR CAMERA BAG? And I love it… lol Most of the time people are just nosey but it doesn’t bother me. I love tech and geeky stuff like this so often I’m having a 30 min conversation after they ask.

If you are looking to upgrade some equipment the only advice I have is to do your research. These companies and store salesmen could care less about your hard earn money so they will sell you the first thing on the shelf. Don’t budge and don’t be afraid to walk away to do research.

In the pic below is the equipment I’ve accumulated over the years. Wish I could say I just walked in the store and dropped bandzzzzz. Didn’t happen like that. A bunch of pointless purchases, debt & trail and error led me here. Thankfully, throughout all that mess I can say I’ve found my go to kit. This will be my wedding starter pack for 2019. I’ve tried so many different setups over the years and this one is the most solid. Here is the gear list

Gear list:

Nikon D750 x1

Nikon D7100 x1

Go Pro Hero 7 Black

Tamron 24-70mm 2.8

Sigma 35mm 1.4

Nikon 85mm 1.8

Sigma 70-200mm 2.8

Youngnuo 560exIII x3

Holdfast Money Maker Camera Strap

Elinchrome ELB500 flash & battery pack

Pocket Wizard PlusX x3

Think Tank Memory Card Holder

Nikon Batteries x3

Mag Mod Starter Kit
