Monochrome Enthusiasts

I decided to start the month off by spending the day walking the streets of Downtown Cleveland seeking inspiration. Photography is an oversaturated field (at least in Cleveland) and we often get caught up in the latest trend. We look at other photographers work for inspiration and maybe even copy their ideas. It’s nothing wrong with that if that’s how you fell in love with photography. This craft is all about perspective and how you view things. If you constantly look at pinterest or others for ideas it would be harder for you to express your creative voice. Don’t get me wrong. Searching the web and other photographers work can be a positive influence. I even do it sometimes. But you know what they say, “too much of anything isn't good for you”. It’s all about balance.  

*Side note*

For all the photographers who shoots for a living and think this was a complete waste of time it wasn’t. Lets look at the business side of things, shall we? I was hitting the streets with a camera in my hand. Basically, I was a walking business card. Surprisingly, while I was out two people asked me what I was shooting and what for. Once I broke down my ideas they saw how professional and educated I am. They asked for a business card and was pretty interested in what I had going on. Unfortunately, I don’t carry business cards so I gave them my phone number. They may become a potential client or even have interest in learning how to work their camera (both I would charge for if they hired me). And if they don’t I still didn’t lose because next time they see me they can put a face to a name. Something an email can’t do. I also scouted new locations and found a photographic library right in my backyard. Overall, the day was productive. I challenge you to find new ways to gain clients while fueling your creative mind.  

Sorry guys, I just want other business owners to see that there are other ways to market yourself. Rather than relying on Instagram, Facebook and other social media. GET UP, GET OUT AND FIND YOUR CLIENTS.

*Venting over*

For me photography is my dream job. I get to network with awesome people, travel and hustle. Which is pretty cool.  So I wanted to challenge my mind and eye to see things from a different perspective; specifically lines, the way light bounce off a subject and symmetry. To make this even more challenging I decided to use a 50mm lens. The 50mm is a prime lens so it forces me to use my feet to get different angles. I also wanted no distractions and wanted to see things in a simple form so I made everything B&W. Nothing spectacular but it was much needed. Hope you enjoy